Some of you already know that we are expecting our first grandchild - very soon! My DD is now three days from her due date with a baby girl - but like all babies, she will come when she is ready.
Just for fun, I thought I would hold a little contest to guess the DOB and the weight of the baby.
The winner(s) will receive the above image, aptly titled "BRAND NEW".
I am sure someone will hit the date, but you might not be spot on with the weight - so I will award to anyone who gets the right day and is within 2 ozs either side of the birth weight!
Here are some facts that might help with your guess:
Due date is June 9th
Baby is a girl
A sonogram done at 34 weeks said the baby was "appropriate size" at that point - whatever that means!
This is DD's first baby
DD is tall and very slim
She has gained approx 32 lbs
Leave your guess as a comment below.
Please state the date and weight clearly (eg: June 11, 7lbs 4oz)